Saturday, June 5, 2010

Iam Here 2 stay...

When you think of it, What is love? What is the meaning and what is the picture of it? We all ask and wonder of what those feelings are but do we ever look inside and picture it in our selves? Most of the time no. We think in the physical and not the mental picture of the meanings of words which takes us to a whole another level of believe and faith sometimes insecurities and self-depressions.

What we dont realize is that things arent in front of our faces. Things arent in the looks of another person its whats inside; You have to realize that feelings are and will always stay in one place because love is a powerful feeling that the human can give and never take back. I mean sure you can take back things but can you take back love? I would say it depends on the person many are soft hearted and others are tough to the skin. I could never give and take from another person Not only because iam afraid of Indians but because what do you get from giving and taking but another broken heart? Why make things worse? Why not be the big person and show them that you aren't the type to hit back? Show them thats there more power in your soul then the energy wasted on hating/hitting back.

Love is your life wedding ring your promise ring. If you dnt have it where would you go?And were would you be with out it?