Thursday, March 3, 2011


If there's anything that I love the most on TWITPICing is #breezyart . I love all the different art he has on there and his art on fashion. I Just enjoy Chris brown in general hahah. But I guess as an artist myself I just love this. Charlie Chaplin

With every flaw u always loved me......

That lady in the back is perfect adds something other then me in the picture

Friday, February 25, 2011


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Life isn't fun if u don't create the fun. I don't care what ppl think about my personality;  yeah I'm crazy but I'm also responsible.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Relationships come in different shapes and sizes; religions and beliefs. But love is the same 4 us all. When your in love those differences become equality and a better half. Yeah arguments may accur but the making up will 4 ever be the best if its a " fuxk u" with a smile or a moan from some make up sex. Relationships are unpredictable and unexpected.... mine sure was LOL